What to expect from your first yoga class
If you've signed up for a yoga class, you may be unsure of what to expect. If you've never been to a yoga class before, you may not know what you will be doing, how you will feel or even what you should wear. Here's a quick rundown on what to expect from your first […]
The benefits of one to one yoga classes
It's no secret that yoga provides many benefits. It can help you increase flexibility, improve your balance and posture, and even lower stress levels. But did you know that there are even more benefits to practising yoga than just those? While traditional group classes offer a great way to get started with yoga, one-on-one sessions […]
Practising yoga with an illness or injury
When you think about yoga, you may immediately think about young people, clad head to toe in Lycra, bending their bodies into near impossible poses. This may put you off practising yoga as you might think that yoga is not something you could get involved in. But what if you have a disability? Or an […]
How to start practising yoga at home
If you are anything like me, then you agree that yoga is a fantastic way to relax, release stress and improve suppleness and strength. With all of our busy lives and work schedules, we can find ourselves too tired or too busy at the end of the day to go to a class or studio. […]

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